Medici Chapels

Medici Chapels

Aug 14, 2022

The architecture, art, and culture of Florence are renowned across the world. None other than the Medicis were the only family with the ability to take care of all three! They advanced science beyond anyone's imagination by taking care of both religious beliefs and technological innovation at every turn imaginable inside Basilica San Lorenzo in the heart of Florence, where you can still see their influence everywhere even though everyone thinks otherwise because no matter how much time passes, these doors remain. This ancient clan redesigned Florence into what it looks like today with breathtaking sights that will never fade.

The Medici Chapels

In contrast to their renown and prominence, the family crypt is less than exciting, although there are still some noteworthy burials. Although it may be expected that there won't be any windows for natural light or elaborate decorations, what is present instead are stark walls and low ceilings that exude a sense of helplessness. This is true even though these tombs not only belong to the Grand Dukes but also to their families, who were given courtly status by being buried here.

In the center of this Crypt lays the family's Treasury. It is a treasure trove for anyone with a royal or noble mindset who wishes to access old customs and gain some much-needed inspiration from historical monarchy! Even greater treasures include Papal Bulls issued by Popes during different eras that grant rights and privileges over large stretches of geographical areas—it would take decades if not generations before someone else got hold of one too. Religious objects like crosses are mixed with jewelry that dates back centuries when they were still relevant on these shores.

The majority of visitors may do not have any expectations for the Chapel of the Princes. They can feel a little perplexed and unbothered by the room's bareness and the complete lack of any feeling after visiting their crypts. But this hidden treasure is still there, just waiting for you to find it: the chapel alone will astound everyone who enters with its unfathomable beauty alone. It is believed that only rich families like the Medici family could produce such fine decorating, making each visitor feel at home while appearing magnificent.

For a while in 1787, the Chapel of Princes served as a tomb for members who had passed away. According to The Memory, there are six tombs inside this historic structure, including those of Cosimo I and II, Francesco I, and Ferdinando III. Each of these historical figures has a monument honoring him that depicts his appearance in life and dedicates some words about where he wants to spend eternity OR how powerful he felt while ruling Florence at various points in time.

The Design

Giorgio Vasari, a close family friend, planned the Chapel, but it wasn't finished until much later. It's difficult not to be in awe of everything that is put in front of us when visiting this house of worship in Florence: marble and precious stones expressing both Cosimo I's grandeur and an everlasting legacy he desired for himself - power without end! Since the stunning Chapel of the Princes was not finished until 1962, it is easy to see why this building endeavor stands out in Florence. The dome is significantly less "clean" than everything else nearby; you can tell that older paintings were covered with newer ones to make them more historically accurate.

The finishing touches on one side took longer than others, presumably because there were so many various colored stones added. This resulted in an unusual design rather than everything blending together perfectly like domes typically do, despite their age.

The New Sacristy

You will visit the New Sacristy after viewing the majestic Chapel, which is another intriguing area. Here are four further royal graves that have renowned sculptures by none other than Michelangelo, who felt compelled to create fitting monuments for their departed loved ones. Right here, you can find "Day and Night" as well as "Dawn and Dusk".

These flawless sculptures stand in for the unstoppable force of time, which finally results in death. These tributes for Giuliano and Lorenzo Medici can be seen beneath plain headstones near their entranceway since Michelangelo was called away before he could complete what would become a masterpiece in stone.

Pope Alexander VI (Elzear Borgia), who commissioned this work from Italy's greatest sculptor after seeing his original concept sketched on topographical maps here at St. Peter's Basilica, placed the tombs themselves beneath modest altars with Latin inscriptions dedicated by himself.

The Medici chapel is a magnificent building that not only contains some of Florence's most exquisite works of art but also exudes a sense of quiet dignity. You have the impression that you are in this holy location where people go to meditate or simply unplug for a while. We can never take enough time for ourselves.

Any sightseeing day would be greatly enhanced by visiting the Medici Chapels. The location is open from 2 pm to 6:30 pm on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday or from 8:45 am to 1 hour before closing time on Monday through Wednesday. Online reservations are necessary for tickets.

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